Shelter dog reddit

Shelter dog reddit. I get it, and when circumstances allow, adoption is a wonderful option. Thank you for giving your pup the time and space to decompress. The shelters are understaff and more money into the LAAS budget can address that. com for both. But all that to say yours is still probably a jagd. That means your only options are to go through a breeder (and let the “adopt, don’t shop” lunatics rant about it for weeks), or a rescue Shelter workers don't want to euthanize these animals, but we also can't expect an endless resource from them. We just got the third dog about 6 months ago and the regret has just recently started to fade. Many dogs in shelters have constant access to the outdoors, so they may be potty trained in that setting but unable to signal consistently to go outside. Positive reinforcement training classes! I’ve adopted 2 dogs in my life. For training on early socialization click here. 3. What working at a shelter has shown me. The first dog they brought out ran straight into my arms, and we were instantly best friends. Talk to the rescue. LIST OF THE FAKE ABUSIVE RESCUE CHANNELS : r/AnimalRights. Lots of sad dogs over there. Here you'll find content that will help you train your dogs. Our new, two-year-old mini doodle has intense separation anxiety, and I feel like we are in way over our heads. We got one dog adopted and it ran away the same day and walked a 3hr drive to come back to the shelter. Post pictures of your dog, and we'll try to determine its breed. Original [My newly adopted shelter dog killed someone's dog today. Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting click here. She’s pretty stubborn and timid. She's the best. I had typed up two posts prior to taking him, but never submitted. •. , very active, slower-paced, etc. If you are willing to take an older dog in, Old Dog Haven is amazing <3. r/dogs. 57K subscribers in the IDmydog community. —we found many dogs that looked like a good fit, but, of course one cannot know how a dog will react to your family, how friendly they are, what their demeanor is, etc so we packed everyone up in the car and…. Getting to know the owners, usually. The shelter will have history on some of the dogs, and will probably also to make some guesses about what other dogs might be a good match. Nmae23. Of course with backyard breeding there is basically no consideration for the dog's physical and mental health. they can take them to court if the rescue contract says they can't do that. I’m not a dog trainer, and wouldn’t know the first thing about rehabilitating dogs from terrible situations. 3 months for him to recognize this as his home. Daisy was otherwise a truly lovely dog, sweet and affectionate with me, her confidence growing, very stoic and gentle, a few quirks and issues (shy/aggressive with men, other dogs) but if it was just me, I would have been fine. I had a car so I dropped the dog off. Shelters are more run by counties and cities as a service to the public and to keep strays down. ago. Their shelters seemed more like holiday resorts. For cats, SAFe (Seattle Area Feline Rescue) is great. For training on becoming a good leader click here. I decided to return my shelter dog on Tuesday and it's been absolutely gut-wrenching. So there are countless account asking for paypal donations and reporting any single comment asking for their true location or transparent information. • 6 mo. I had regret for two of our three rescues. People with dogs get used to it. Before you sweep in to save the day for a scared dog, remind yourself that not every house is a good fit for every dog. However, we need to always be mindful of our language when writing blurbs about an adoptable pet. Where I live, ~99% of shelter dogs are pitbulls, and it’s really irritating. org Shelter dog won't leave couch. It makes it nearly impossible to adopt from a shelter if you don’t want some type of pit/staff mix. ADMIN MOD. Some places do this. All it says is that the shelters have a decent screening system. My fiancé and I adopted a rescue dog about 2 weeks ago. I’m relatively new to shelter work, coming from a background working in zoos and animal training. About a month and a half ago, I went to the shelter to pick up a beagle and somehow walked out with a 11 month old chihuahua mix (I'll cal Shelter said she is a Mal. For a few months, I'd been considering getting a companion for my dog (adopted 3 year old rat terrier). She was a pitt mix and the runt of her litter. Go to AnimalRights. The reactivity is just something to manage and work on. Walks can be tough, and since our family members all have dogs, navigating the holidays has been difficult, but I wouldn’t trade her for the world. I am NOT OP. Then, when I went back for another puppy, the shelter worker said, "Back again?" We ended up with 2 more puppies. You let no one down, the shelter set you and the dog up for failure. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. I am a regular volunteer at east valley but also walk the pups at west valley and west LA. I think a lot of peoples anger toward “kill shelters” are misguided and I’d like to fix that. It's all good! ADMIN MOD. Fading eyesight, hearing loss, etc. My newly adopted shelter dog killed someone's dog today. Share. My girl gets a Senior Dog Check-Up annually, as well as teeth cleaning. She is vigilant but is not reactive. LA county shelters have websites where they have pics of the dogs they have. Peter is located at Baldwin Park Animal Shelter: Animal ID:A5618575 Address: 4275 Elton St, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Phone: (626) 962-3575 (Hit 5, then 2, then 2) u/Helpful24 ADMIN MOD • Peter is going to be euthanized in two days on Saturday May 25th. 5 years, about 50lbs and has had a litter. She did have a lot of vet visits when I first got her. Award. There are a couple of volunteer opportunities to bring different animals to other areas to help Shame on this shelter for adopting out a dog with a bite history! Please do not feel bad, the shelter was negligent and should not have adopted out this dog. You can sign up as a volunteer at paws Coronado and you can walk dogs two different times in a day. It is the same 2 or 3 guys Days later, is when they found Zoe in a trash can on a return visit to find her. Thankfully, like Bodhi, Zoe has made a remarkable recovery and we are trying to plan a family reunion for the two of them. Also, be on the lookout for cancers, as these can hit later in life. I’ve been with my shelter for 6 months. g. The majority of animal shelters that put animals down do so for one main reason: quality of life. Other dogs are an APBT/staffy/smidgen cocker spaniel mix, and an APBT/Siberian Husky/Bluetick coonhound/ACD mix. I'm a volunteer at an animal shelter and I make videos for them. Yep, my childhood dog passed away, and I went to a rescue with my ex “just to look. LAAS total budget is around 25 million. Rescue dog regrets and worries. I have stopped watching and attempting to train him as he is beyond my skill level (biting, growling, attacking family If the ending is metaphorical it weakens it because it’s redundant. In other words, and I did that by giving my dog a bully stick, leaving for 30 seconds, and then returning and taking it away from him. What I found strange: I used to work at a “kill” animal shelter, ama. Two wrongs definitely don't make a right, but what does that say about our standards in society in general? That's not two wrongs. Or they very well may have cat tested them, but the enviorment is so overwhelming that the dog shut down and didn't show a reaction. &nbsp; &nbsp; r/dogs. Pls reach out to friends/community/rescues. Go check out Maricopa County Animal Care and Control! I adopted both of my dogs from there (an aussie/collie mix and a cattle dog) Lots of pitties but lots of other dogs too, I would recommend just going and taking a look to see who catches your eye! Plus because there are hundreds of dogs there and not enough space, the adoption fees are only They may have lied. Which at my local shelter is about 25. 4. No separation anxiety. It encompasses the shutdown period but also extends to how the dog adjusts over about the course of a month. But after 2 weeks our chosen rescue seems to have all these issues. But the fact is that most rescue dogs go through a transitional honeymoon phase, and don’t show their true personality for several months. One of the things I wish I had done for my first dog is taking her to training so that we could learn small ways to communicate with each other, get her used to being around other dogs and strangers without barking and bond with lots of fun games and treats! Thinking of bringing the dog we just adopted back to the shelter and need advice : r/dogs. Foster, transport, rescue needed in OH, NY, NJ, PA, DE, WV or VA. They whisked the dog away without letting me say goodbye. Please check Seattle animal shelter! It’s in interbay. They go by different names but one is repeated a lot, “MITYANA” “KILABIRA GERALD” or “brevo_dog_shelter_uganda”. If you have solid proof they lied and can get the pervious foster to make a written and signed statement, you can sue them. My last word of warning: shelter dogs are notoriously dog-aggressive. Critteraid - Celebrating 25 years of animal sanctuary, education & rescue. TW: dog attack on people, dog, death, broken glass. Moderate-low energy, happy with 30 minutes-hour of walking a day. • 4 yr. My newly adopted shelter dog doesn't like me. We found the ad on Facebook, we thought we were picking up a Husky, turns out it was a Border Collie or an Aussie (not sure 100% the breed). We had been hyped to get a dog since before we even moved out together and Vent. I've been to a shelter that allowed you to take dogs on a "field trip" off-site and we could only pick between a few dogs. Rescues are formed for a variety of reasons, usually around a central theme: particular breed, area, dog group (toy, hunting dogs, etc), rescuing from high kill shelters, etc. 4 days ago · But one of the dogs came from a nonprofit shelter who would take adoptions back. true. For all newly adopted dogs, check out the 3-3-3 rule. Kitten/pup season just ended, shelters are at capacity and can’t just take any dog. 130 votes, 73 comments. Unfortunately, due to domestication, most dogs and cats (or, indeed, other animals) that reach animal shelters are no longer able to fend for themselves in the wild. Shelter volunteers will help match you with a great dog to take out! All you have to do is fill out this application, they will approve it usually within 24 hours, then you just bring your drivers license up to the shelter (15 mins from UTA), and they will send you off with a dog, just have them back before the shelter closes at 6! r/Dogs has the ultimate goals of fostering a better, science-based understanding of dogs among the general public, promoting responsible dog ownership, helping users build better, healthier relationships with their dogs, and providing a space to connect and discuss with others who have dogs and who are involved in various aspects of the dog hobby. I've worked in rescue and rehab with horses and dogs for years, my girl is a rescue herself and so I'm not stranger to dogs. When adopting a dog, please give careful consideration to the home you live in, your lifestyle (e. I adopted from PAWS and they were so careful and thorough about vetting me, plus my dog had a host of medical issues that they invested time, money& medicine in. The staff acted like my friend and I were monsters. We are both 24, I WFH and he works full time outside the home. Background info on us- we have been together for two years and moved in together six months ago. It's fun to groom a dog and then see the reunion: the owner thrilled with the new look and the dog feeling good. I made a mistake adopting a reactive/anxious dog. Time-Orchid82 • 2 yr. MembersOnline. I've seen dogs killed by mistakes like that. I still work with them on a volunteer basis so I can answer more current questions as well as past ones. The woman we picked him up from claimed she rescued him from an elderly woman who couldn’t take People that a shelter wouldn't trust with a mixed breed dog have 3 underfed kids. I hope you love it as much as I do! More cats than dogs, but unwanted animals are killed. There are all different kinds of shelters, people should be looking for the ones that fit their needs instead of griping about how the first none they tried didn't. Everyone is welcome. There's a whole different set of problems if you allow someone to take a dog off-site and something happens. Pledges needed to cover medical! When looking at dogs 4 things were really important to us: no reactivity, no separation anxiety, crate trained and travel well in car. 13. Has developed dog selectivity/extremely mild fear reactivity. People have normalized the loud barks traversing the property lines, the thrashing bangs of the doors and windows, and the tiresome whines seeping into your private spaces. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. The tips and advice here cannot replace a qualified certified trainer or veterinary behaviorist - if you are struggling please consider these resources for your dog. read up on 3-3-3. That house stink never fades. Her and her siblings had been rescued after being left abandoned in a backyard. 3 weeks to start to begin understanding your schedule and when meals come or when walks come. Older dogs may come with more medical expenses/issues due to their age. Jun 16, 2018 · Here are the top 10 things you need to know about adopting a fearful rescue dog. My Why Rescue (Florida), Carter and how irresponsible rescues strip aggression out of a dog's history : r/PetRescueExposed (reddit. It's bot impossible for a rescue/shelter to sugar coat a dog's problems to get it adopted and that's not okay. Several of my dogs have developed conditions that cost over 20K to treat. Crate training works IF the dog has an intact instinct to keep clean. Most shelters will have you license your dog before they release it (nation-wide, dog licensing is pretty low, and honestly my theory is that the majority of licensed dogs in some places come from people who were forced to do it after their dog was put in a shelter). She brings me so much joy. She has bad allergies and needs Apoquel year round, and has hypothyroidism which requires meds too. Funnyface92. DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. Here we talk about the rights of animals and what we can do to defend those rights. Whilst these shelters aren't as ideal, some of them are actually amazingly ran and the dogs are happy. This sub is now being actively moderated. Misc. Be prepared for medical expenses/medical issues. give your dog a crate / kennel / bed / space of his own. comyou are giving a dog a second chance. Welcome! /r/MadeMeSmile is a place to share things that made you smile or brightened up your day. Step 3: go to various local shelters. That all started to change when we went puddle jumping a few years ago. Good: bonding with dogs and seeing them (ideally) every 5-8 weeks through their life. Strongly agree with what you’re saying here. He also had a very high prey drive when he was younger and is a shockingly good farm dog. The mental illness background and small storm is a red herring. There’s also the 3-3-3 rule you should read up on for rescues. By and large, Reddit isn't a fan of breeder dogs. Please be careful with this one, as it can trigger a resource guarding behavior, and your dog may bite Rescue dogs tend to be a real mess, and 90% of the time it’s fear and insecurity. It takes dogs time to decompress, learn a new routine, and begin to feel safe in their new home. r/AnimalRights. One month difference in shelter dog I sponsored! ANIMALS. We went to the shelter and got two puppies. r/Dogtraining. Euth-date N/A, but nonetheless is still urgent. For example, a few times my Lucy fouled her crate due to sickness (diarrhea) and she was pressed against the side of the crate, holding herself in a position to get as far away from her poop an The rule of 3: 3 days to “detox” post shelter and want to explore his new home and not fully understand what’s off limits. She's a small terrier x shepherd mix, about 1-2 years old. 3TipsyCoachman3. The people who gave me their dog are lying about something. We adopted our dog-reactive dog from a shelter just over a year ago. She was surrendered with a male Mal and miniature poodle. Shelter animal adoption counselor here. We’re supposed to eventually believe this is a mental health crisis and expect that Curtis will be going on a journey to recover and get better. have fresh water out and available. Dog training links, discussions and questions are encouraged and content related to other species is welcome too. A dog is the last thing to be scared of and would be a criminal's best friend, unless, as you say, it is trained to guard and kill. Undersocialized dogs have had a bit of an uptick in shelters due to the pandemic causing way too many people to get dogs when they shouldn't. But you can only walk them on the island. Confined spaces, being surrounded by other dogs 24/7, will do that to you! Never ever EVER walk a shelter dog near another dog without a shelter employee present. The tiny guy is borderline abusive to the other dogs and they just roll over and take it. The day before yesterday I adopted a minpin boy as a companion for my chihuahua x russian toy. HINT: Dog parks are awful and I would most definitely NOT take a young dog there. I need advice and maybe also just to vent. I did that a few times a day for several weeks. Vent. Rescue dogs are the best. Seattle Humane is great. Can't imaging trying to swallow food while smelling that dog-soaked house. Someone with 3 underfed kids shouldn't have a dog. Over the years Irvine shelter would actually drive to LA to rescue dogs and put them in Irvine shelter because they kill so many dogs up there. It takes patience and time for both you and the dog to learn to trust and love each other. While I love that my job allows me to rescue dogs in horrific situations, there have been very few dogs I would take to my house. Ok listen, shelters (believe it or not) aren’t this massive source of money and infinite space. 1. This is a video about the shelter's YouTube page. A subreddit for requesting advice on Dog behavior and husbandry. The first was my souldog! After he passed we got our second, and that regret went away when he settled in and bonded to us after a few weeks. Give him time in space continue to work showing that he can trust you by giving him treats but this sounds completely normal. This little lady came to us very timid. goldenhourcocktails. Of course we struggle with too many pits, but thats every shelter and they make up 90% of the shelters dog population. I've volunteered at two shelters, and neither of them was ok with someone just walking their dog through the halls, but both have a process for doing dog introductions. The note you mentioned is code for "This dog has some issues". I visited a friend who has dogs and I literally had to leave the house to breath. Everything in this world is circumstantial, so if you genuinely want help, it might help to be more descriptive. We used getyourpet. I've also seen some where the animals seem depressed and uncared for. Anti Cruelty Society is a great shelter that accepts surrenders. If none of these things are an option to you and you can’t get a shelter or rescue to take the dog, you’re left with keeping the dog and living in fear or humanely euthanizing the dog unless you know of someone who will temporarily house the dog while you look for a suitable owner the dog can go to. I understand this may make me a bad person, but my husband and I adopted a dog from the shelter this past week, and I am regretting it so much. Reply. However, a dog is a significant commitment, so don't feel bad if you can't find the right one at the pound. have the same food as the shelter on same feeding schedule. 44. Give an older dog a chance - maybe even trying it out by being a foster home first: https://olddoghaven. Consider very carefully that a young dog might not be the best fit. Dogs, however, aren't as much of an issue. Frankly a lot of bad experiences are people having unrealistic expectations. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. Every shelter is over capacity to the point where they're placing dog crates in the aviary to shelter dogs. Then we went back for another puppy, but we were asked to look at an older dog "just to see" and took home a senior dog with heartworms instead. ), whether or not there are children in the family and look for a dog that will fit into your environment. MOD. Striking_Ad4713. Coping with how sad the job is? Vent. Pound, shelter, rescue, or getyourpet. For 3 years (2016-19) I worked at an animal shelter that was considered a “kill shelter”. Very smart, but does not know her basic commands (yet). They put you and your kid in danger and that's not ok. TW: dog attack. If you can adopt from a pound and save a dog from euthanasia, that is wonderful. Then the ending says, “no, this is real. " "Breeder dogs are akin to puppy mill, due to inbreeding" etc. I made an r/amitheasshole post regarding him previously if you want to check it out for better context. Some topics include: animal experimentation, the ethics of eating animals and their products, animal used in entertainment, protests, activism, news There aren't many places where you can physically remove a dog from the area and take it on a hike or walk. She’s 2. Read the 3-3-3 rule. dog proof your home -- check for food, trash, small items, etc. It is not uncommon for shelters to lie about bite histories to get dogs out the door. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you I had a good experience with Seattle Animal Shelter in Interbay but it was pre-COVID. Any veterinary advice given is being given by individuals of unknown education and should be considered suspect. Photo by Lou Liebau on Unsplash. The main municipal shelter now no longer allows pet parents to pay a fertile fine and take home an intact dog. A dog already genetically neurotic is not going to do well in stressful shelter situations. It’s their choice based on the dogs health, behavior, and conditions. This community is geared towards modern, force-free, science based methods and recommendations. Anyone who gets dogs out of dog shelters and into new homes is ok in my books. A properly crate trained dog will feel comfortable, confident, and relaxed when crated home alone for the first time. Really left a bad taste. Another behavioral aspect is that I have more control in raising a puppy from 8 weeks. Not sure what that will do though at this point. I need help rehoming an aggressive dog! I have a now 6 months old (I think not sure but we did get him fixed recently) dog. A generally uplifting subreddit. The dog was very shy and very afraid of everything. If, indeed, they were released, they would most likely die slowly of starvation. The “making a dog more adoptable” aspect is unfortunate; many inexperienced dog owners will want to adopt, then end up with a dog that they have trouble training or managing. It's so gross. It is very normal to have second thoughts about getting a dog. 3yo bully Moana in Baltimore, MD is emaciated & RESCUE ONLY in order to rehab her. She was a lovely little dog who would have no trouble getting adopted again. So many arguments I hear (other than the obvious) often revolve around "mutts are typically healthier. com) Carter - 62lb adult male pit bull surrendered to PBAC shelter in January 2023. Sometimes a puppy will bark out of boredom or anxiety for a few minutes, but should settle down quickly with little to no fuss once they figure out that you're not there. I’d then wait 5-10 minutes and repeat the same exercise. We recently (end of March) adopted a dog from the shelter. As the title suggests myself and my partner adopted a rescue dog last week. Please follow the rules of the sub. We are a community for people that own reactive dogs! We support the LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive) approach to dog training. Dogs also smell to high heaven and piss/shit everywhere. Buy pet insurance. There will also often be a fine for your dog being impounded. She was settling in OK the first week we got her, exploring the house more and even jumping on our bed once, but then we took her to get spayed about two weeks ago. We waited several weeks to try to find a dog that matched all of this for our sake and the sake of the dog we were going to adopt. About 10 days ago, I adopted a 2 year old female dog from a poorly run shelter. Not every house is the right fit for a fearful dog. Step 2: see what dogs are on the websites, Petfinder, petango, werescue, etc. Now she zoomies any time she gets to go in the water! Welcome and thank you for participating in r/RescueDogs. TW: dog attack] by u/memirepoix in r/dogs **. I work in a shelter, and the number of dogs returned after just a few days, or even a few hours in a new home is staggering. [deleted] • 10 yr. This is a fast moving story about a terrible situation involving a sketchy rescue organization. It makes a HUGE difference. They also, don’t have to take any dog. Zoe's owner who found her believes the prior owners abused the dogs and the mother showed signs of severe abuse. Scared and timid rescue dog, need advice please. Working with puppies and turning them into grooming pros. : r/dogs. Share Add a Comment. ”. She is not very interested in being outside much these days, possibly due to the antibiotics from the vet, but still very far from being ready to go to the /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. 826 votes, 274 comments. . This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what Since mostly volunteers walk dogs (at least at my shelter) they need to be cautious. At first, it didn’t get to me as much- maybe I was focused on learning and oversaturated by the environment. Ugandan dog shelter scammer _ animal ab*se. A dog with an intact instinct to keep clean will put in considerable effort to not eliminate where they sleep, eat and drink. have toys available and treats ready. There is most likely a clause in the adoption contract prohibiting this behavior. The two ways a dog leaves intact is if it is too sick or skinny to be fixed or if it’s a beyond last minute deadline pull by a rescue. Granted, this is purely anecdotal, and I'm sure you all r/reactivedogs. sz vq zd sc wn fg kx ih nv pe